I am a postdoctoral researcher in the AnSyMo group at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, advised by prof. dr. Guillermo Perez. Previously, I was a PhD Candidate at the Department of Software Science at Radboud University Nijmegen, working on the project Provably Correct Policies for Uncertain Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes under the supervision of prof. dr. Nils Jansen and prof. dr. Frits Vaandrager.
My research interests are at the intersection of AI and theoretical computer science. With the rapid development and deployment of AI-enabled systems in real-world applications, ensuring their robustness, reliability, and safety is more important than ever. I focus on the field of decision-making under uncertainty, which encompasses both planning and reinforcement learning (RL).
The specific goals of my research are to:
- Increase the understanding of various forms of uncertainty, their interplay, and how to incorporate them into decision-making models.
- Make solution methods to sequential decision-making problems (i.e., planning and RL methods) more robust, reliable, and/or safe against uncertainty while maintaining computational efficiency.
- Improve data efficiency of planning and RL methods.
You can reach me at marnix.suilen {AT} uantwerpen.be.